Gifting Your Sulfite Sensitive Valentine

Valentine's Day Gifts

It can be hard enough finding the right gift for your Valentine, but if your Valentine needs to be Sulfite sensitive, it can be remarkably more challenging.  This year, however, I can help.  

What Gifts Should I Avoid Gifting To My Sulfite Free Valentine?

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges in gifting a sulfite sensitive person during holidays, especially Valentine’s Day, is avoiding all the candy and treats containing Red #40, Yellow #5, High Fructose Syrup, Pectin, GelatinReactions to these ingredients can cause upset stomachs, face and throat swelling, fatigue, vomiting, hives. That doesn’t sound like a fun way to spend Valentine’s, does it?

Then there’s the skin products that often contain similar colors or various types of sulfates.  Many of the lotions and potions, as I like to call them, are loaded with ingredients not safe for a sulfite intolerant person. These products can cause rashes and in my particular case, acne.  Typically, acne will occur 3 days after the skin was offended by an irritant. For this reason, it is often difficult to isolate the cause of the break out.

Are There Safe Options?

Fortunately, there are a lot of foods, products and gifts that I have found safe and tolerable for me.  Remember, everyone’s sensitivity can be different. Some are more intolerant than others.

Here’s some of my suggestions

Candy Chocolate (avoid those with caramel or high fructose corn syrup), Chocolate covered berries (Check with the company for an ingredient list), Organic Candies
Desserts/Food Panera Bread baked goods , Homemade treats (made by someone who will be aware of what to avoid), 
Alcohol Vodka, Tequila, Whiskey, No Sulfite Added Wine , German beer (avoid commercial mixers)
Miscellaneous  Wine filter, Clothing, A gift certificate for a massage (to avoid a reaction, use fractionated coconut oil), gift certificate for movies, painting night, concert etc., Bite Beauty Products, Dinner at  restaurant that the chef is willing to be forthcoming with the ingredients (call ahead for this one so that you don’t end up making your Valentine feel like their sensitivity is inconvenient or trouble for others) 


More Than Just A Gift

With a sensitivity to an ingredient as elusive as sulfites, I spend a whole lot of time and energy focusing on what to avoid.  But when someone makes an attempt to research and pick out a gift for me that I can actually use or eat without getting sick, it means more that I can even explain.  It makes me feel understood, seen, cared for and loved. Perfect for the day dedicated to love.