When I was 23 I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and put on birth control to regulate my symptoms of heavy, painful menstrual cycles.  I wouldn’t realize the connection to insulin resistance until several years later when I started trying to conceive my first child. I tried for almost a year to get pregnant after which thanks to an amazing Reproductive specialist,  I started a low glycemic diet and was pregnant within 6 weeks. I have been on some version of a low glycemic diet since then.  

PCOS in the news

I was diagnosed with Postpartum Thyroiditis months after having my most recent pregnancy.  At the time I was found to have a Multinodular Goiter, had biopsies and have had at least a couple of episodes of thyroiditis in the last 18 months.  This is perhaps my most evolving and newest challenge. I will try to share as I go along.  

Sulfites in Shrimp

sulfites in shrimp
  Shrimp Scampi dinner paired with a chilled glass or two of white wine may sound delicious but if you are part of the 1 in 100 with a sulfite intolerance, read on to learn why this may mean bad news for you. What Do Sulfites Have to Do With Shrimp Depending on...
This post details my journey with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome with a Sulfite Intolerance.  The diagnosis and my commitment to a healthy, low sugar, low sulfite diet has helped me with my struggle with infertility, reduced my risk for diabetes and much more. Diagnosing My PCOS After struggling with my menstrual cycle...