I LOVE to travel. Traveling opens up new worlds and makes you grow in ways you never could sitting at home. Unfortunately, when traveling I just can’t eat as I do at home. Along with the new adventures there’s new food. With sensitivity from something as little known as sulfites, these new food adventures can get complicated. Nevertheless, I refuse to give up trying new things and going on new adventures. I’d love to be able to share some of my travel finds here. 

Sulfite-free food at DisneyLand
Planning on taking a trip to DisneyLand but worried about sulfite-free food? So, you’ve planned a trip to Disney and you’re so excited.  Then it hits you, what are you going to eat at the park?  Will there be sulfite-free food options at Disneyland? Will you get sick from the...
Common Food intolerance
Food Intolerances can be extremely common Up to 20% of people may suffer from a food intolerance or sensitivity.  A food allergy is not the same as an intolerance though they can often be confused.  An allergy is a hypersensitive reaction while an intolerance is usually from an inability to...
Flatten the Curve
My purpose in creating and sharing on this blog is to give insight into what sulfites are and how to manage a sensitivity to sulfites.  In addition, I promote a healthy lifestyle and love to share tips that work for me.  This week and last, I digress to focus...

Hidden Sulfites

Hidden Sulfites
Are you at the point where you have been researching and discovered you are sensitive to sulfites but your symptoms are not going away? Maybe you feel better but still, have bad days with unknown triggers. Perhaps it’s time to search for hidden sulfites. Sulfites can be hidden as part of...

My Sulfite Free Fave’s

Coffee is Naturally Sulfite Free
  Sulfite Free/Low Sulfite Products I Like Updated 02/22/20 with some new products I've recently discovered or forgot to mention in original post. Here is a list of some products, foods and beverages that I enjoy.  Not everyone’s tolerance is the same so some of these items may or may not work...

Why Am I so Tired?

Is feeling tired most or all the time a sign of a health issues? In this post I will explain the differences between feeling tired, fatigued and lethargic.   The former a normal process of the body needing to recharge and the latter two being a possible signs of your body...
Where do I begin in terms of when my symptoms started, and how I found out that all along it was sulfites causing me harm? As far back as I can remember, I have always been tired and my stomach always hurts. I couldn’t run in the fun run like...