Sulfite Free Life Updates


Hello Friends

It has been some time since my last post.  Life has been crazy busy, as I’m sure everyone’s life is.  

While sulfite updates on the blog have been lagging, I have continued to be active daily on Instagram, sharing my day-to-day life, meals, products, and health updates.  

Sulfite Talk On Social Media

I was incredibly hesitant to become active on social media.  In fact, this website is my first ‘sulfite baby’ but it became apparent to me that if this website is the brick and mortar, social media is like free ‘billboards’ lining the freeway leading to my ‘store front’.  It’s been a truly humbling experience connecting with so many sulfite friends.  A supportive community I never knew I needed.  

If social media is your thing, I highly encourage you to give me a follow-up.  I encourage open dialogue and welcome questions.  Typically, I am able to respond back the same day.  If you check my page out, be sure to say hi.  I love meeting new sulfite friends.  

Other Sulfite Awareness Opportunities

There have been other opportunities for growth in terms of sulfite awareness.  

This includes having conversations with colleagues so they can recognize it in their own patients.  I even recorded a podcast with a friend that should be out in a few weeks! Check back for updates.  Many other opportunities are presenting themselves for raising awareness.  It is a privilege to take sulfite awareness to every table I am invited to.

Sulfite Newsletter

Long overdue is a newsletter and I am excited to share that I have started formulating a plan to send out monthly editions.  The newsletter will include wellness tips, some recipes, food tips, low-sulfite favorite products, and more.  Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter so you can be included in the email list!

Feel free to reach out through email!