How To Avoid Sulfites During The Holidays

Sulfite free meals

More than any other time, the holidays can feel particularly difficult for someone with reaction to food.  The abundance of sweets, comfort foods and even holiday cocktails can feel like a minefield for someone with a food sensitivity, intolerance or allergy.  Firstly, if you’re just learning about your own food problems, it may be difficult to know what to avoid.  Secondly, the pressure of eating treats baked by loved ones, gifts and holiday meals can be overwhelming. 

Keep reading to learn some ways you can avoid sulfites during the holidays.

Initially, when I discovered my sulfite  sensitivity, I was constantly afraid to eat.  So scared that there might be a hidden ingredient or a food I hadn’t realized that may contain sulfites.  Many times, I would eat before attending a holiday party and then just focus on eating simple options like picking off the fresh fruit or veggie tray.  With time, I learned the riskiest foods and how to best avoid sulfites during the holidays.  

Let’s start Within The Home

Whether it’s holiday morning breakfasts or baking with the kids, food is meant to be comforting and nourishing.  If you’re constantly worried about having a reaction, the experience doesn’t feel like neither.  Making your favorite foods at home is the most reliable way to enjoy treats. 

I recommend starting with purchasing quality, sulfite free ingredients and stocking the pantry so you’re less likely to make last minute substitutions.  Find a few recipes you hope to make, make a list and keep the ingredients on hand.  

Sulfite Free Holiday Breakfasts

Preparing the night before and then baking the morning of is one of my favorite ways to serve breakfast to my family on major holidays.  Some people with a sulfite sensitivity can not tolerate eggs, but if you can, there are many options.  My favorite being overnight French Toast with Sulfite and Sulfate free bread.  

Other great options include pancakes and waffles which can be sulfite free, topped with honey. Oat and banana pancakes are healthy and sulfite free as well. A hearty, warm bowl of oatmeal can be comforting and sulfite free. Breakfast tacos with sulfate free tortillas are a Texas favorite.

Sulfite Free Holiday Baking

One of the biggest pitfalls for those with a sulfite issue is sweets and desserts.  The amount of sulfites found in ingredients used to bake, color, decorate, sweeten and preserve seems never ending.

To keep baked goods low sulfite it is important to choose the right flour, sweetener, avoid food coloring and avoid preserved ingredients.  Flour often contains sulfates.  Red #40 and yellow #5 are processed with sulfites.  Meanwhile anything preserved with lemon juice concentrate, such as jam is going to contain sulfites, as well.

My Favorite Low Sulfite Ingredients For Baking

Unbleached Organic All Purpose Flour is invaluable in low sulfite baking. I like the Organics brand from a Texas Favorite Grocery store HEB but I’ve heard Whole Foods also has great options.  Substituting baking soda for baking powder can help avoid added sulfates though depending on how much you are going to eat, a teaspoon here or there in an entire batch may not be overly aggravating.  

Brown sugar is created with molasses which does contain sulfites.  Cane sugar is low sulfite.  Maple syrup contains some sulfites but at low quantities may be a better option than brown sugar.  Honey is also sulfite free.  

Eggs also contain natural sulfites so if you can not tolerate eating eggs, there are great substitutes for baking that are sulfite free.  Flax, applesauce, ripe bananas and chia seeds are not only sulfite free, they add fiber and healthy nutrients to treats.  So, not only would the holiday treats be delicious, you can feel good about eating them!

Eating At Home Can Be Controlled But What About Holiday Dinners Outside The Home

I know many of us are rightfully avoiding large gatherings and holiday dinners due to Covid 19, but there will be a time when we can all gather again.  When that time comes, I’d like everyone to be able to enjoy the moment without worrying about getting sick or having a reaction.  

My key to eating at holiday dinners is sticking to what I know.  Some of my family and friends know about my sulfite sensitivity and will ask me ahead of time.  If there is not food made specially for me, I avoid foods that look artificial, preserved, processed or artificially colored.  At this point, I’m also a lot less hesitant to ask the cook about any ingredients I’m not sure about.  Friends and family who care about you don’t want you to have a reaction and should be happy to share the ingredients with you. 

Ham, turkey, roast chicken are usually okay but I avoid the gravy and eat around any glaze.  Sweet potatoes are a holiday staple but can contain brown sugar and other ingredients so just ask the cook.  Mashed potatoes can easily be made low sulfite and even dairy free if necessary. Fresh or roasted veggies are a great sulfite free option but I avoid casseroles that contain multiple ingredients that are not fresh.  

Finally, saving the best for last – dessert!  This is tough because holiday desserts have tons of food colorings.  I generally stick to pie made by places or people I trust.  Pies made with organic canned pumpkin or fresh fruits are your best options.  I avoid the decorated sugar cookies and most definitely avoid fruit cake.  Fruit cake is loaded with dried fruit that contains sulfites.  

Being Prepared Is Key To Enjoying Time With Family And Friends

I spent decades getting sick after eating out and family dinners.  I was clueless as to why I was so prone to getting sick or why I had such a sensitive stomach.  Discovering my sulfite sensitivity has changed my life, for the better.  But, it did take work for me to learn all the ways sulfites infiltrate the food chain.  I am so proud and happy to say that now I can enjoy so many food without being scared.  At get togethers I can enjoy the company around me rather than worrying about the tightness in my stomach and the flushing of my face that used to start festering while at these events.  

My hope and dream for Sulfite Free Life is that I can spread the word about sulfites and help people learn how to live a healthy life filled with delicious and nutritious food without fear.  I’d love to hear your favorite sulfite free holiday food.  Leave a comment below!!!