Do The Covid Vaccines Contain Sulfites?

Covid Vaccine Ingredients

Sulfite sensitivity can affect 1 in 100 people. If over 100 million people have been vaccinated in America, then potentially 1 million of those people may suffer from sulfite reactions IF the vaccines had sulfites as included ingredients.  

Many vaccines contain sulfites and sulfates so, from the beginning of covid shot discussions, I’ve been interested in seeing what this would be mean for those of us who do react to sulfites.  

Fortunately, sulfates or sulfites are not listed in the ingredients for the Covid 19 Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Johnson and Johnson contains citric acid which may have some sulfite byproducts but is generally well tolerated by many people with sulfite reactions.  

What to expect from this post 

Before we talk more about sulfates/sulfites in vaccines, let me be very clear.  This is not a post about whether or not vaccines are good. I always get any and all vaccines recommended. I never skip the flu shot, I keep my Tdap up to date and I did get my Covid vaccine. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely already decided you want to be vaccinated but now need to research if it’s safe for you. While I can’t assure the safety of any individual, I can share my experience and my opinion here.  

Covid Sucks

Covid 19 has killed over half a million Americans. Many more millions are living with long Covid. Lockdown, quarantine, separation from families and friends, wearing masks and our current isolation is not normal or healthy. We need to get back to living. Our economy and our hearts need us to be social and interactive. I have truly been changed from all the things I’ve seen Covid do. Even vaccinated and as states open, I find myself having a difficult time coming out of my Covid cocoon. It doesn’t feel safe yet. Even if it is getting safer, I know how dangerous and devastating this virus still is.  

Not only can the virus be destructive, if you are sensitive to sulfites like I am, we also have to worry about being able to take medications. I am always cognizant of the fact that if I end up hospitalized or needing treatment, the medications I may need can contain sulfites. At that point, I will have very little choice if I need life-saving treatment.  

So why are sulfates and sulfites used in vaccines? 

Adjuvants are used in many vaccines to help create a stronger immune response. Some of these adjuvants include aluminum potassium sulfate. Aluminum is found naturally in air, food, and water. The use of these salts has been studied and considered safe for many decades. 

In addition to sulfates, there are hidden sulfites in vaccines. Pectin and gelatin are other ingredients that contain hidden sulfites.

What Kinds Of Reactions Have I Experienced From Vaccines?

Chances are if you are up to date on your vaccines, you have probably had a vaccine with a sulfite or sulfate in it. If you have a sulfite sensitivity, sulfite allergy, or sulfate sensitivity you may have had a range of reactions. For me, most vaccines make me feel terrible within about 15 minutes. I become extremely lethargic, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes. The reactions are not pleasant but I continue to get all the recommended and suggested vaccines because the temporary reaction is better than the disease I am trying to avoid.  

So how did I do with the Covid Vaccine?

Fortunately, it went well for me and several of my other sulfite-free friends.  

I received my 1st dose of Moderna Covid Vaccine in December. I will admit, even after all my research, my heart was racing as I looked at the syringe. Anyone with sulfite reactions knows, often we can’t confirm our tolerability until we try something. It felt like I was about to free fall on an a massive roller coaster. I knew I would be fine but there was potential for a wild ride on the way down. Simultaneously, I was so full of hope.

It will take years, maybe even a lifetime, to process some of the things I’ve seen Covid do. I knew this shot was my shot to help make things better.  

With the first dose, I felt nothing other than an exquisitely sore arm. Then I received the 2nd dose 3 weeks later. Unlike other shots with sulfites or sulfates, I felt no side effects immediately after the shot. 8 hours later I began having the expected body aches, fatigue, and chills that lasted a full 36 hours which ended as abruptly as they began. I was grateful and felt blessed. The makers of the vaccine and scientists had been honest and upfront about the ingredients where sulfites were concerned. That is more than I can even get from the bottled water or french fry industry.  

This Is Intended As My Experience And My Opinion  

I’ve tried to share my experience and my knowledge on the subject but this is not medical advice. Always discuss any medical care or decisions with your doctors. For me, it felt right to get the Covid vaccine. I trusted the scientists to list the ingredients and I felt confident that any effects I felt from the vaccine would be short-lived. I was right. Science was right. I am blessed and grateful. 

If you are sensitive to sulfites, leave a comment and share your experience with the covid vaccines.