My Monthly Resolution – February

motivating words

At the beginning of this year, I shared I would be trying to set a ‘new month’ resolution rather than the traditional New Year’s Resolution.  To learn how and why I decided to do this rather than a ‘new year’s resolution’, click here .

For my January resolution I chose to try the Peloton App.  Peloton offers a 30 day free trial, so I thought, why not.  

I did download the app.  

I did a total of 12 workouts including Running, Stretching, Strength, Yoga and Meditation. 


I found the running and stretching workouts to be most beneficial for me.  The running work out pushed me out of my comfort zone when running which I think elevated by ability and performance. 

I always want to spend time stretching and using the app encouraged me to do it more often which I think is incredibly important.  I once had a crossfit instructor who told us, if we plan to get older we should stretch. Period. And it makes sense. Stretching helps us heal, it helps with flexibility and it helps stabilize. All of which can help prevent injuries as we gracefully age.  

Having the app allows me to get a work out in practically anywhere with little to no equipment

5, 10, 20 and + minute workouts


I didn’t think the Yoga workouts were as therapeutic as I want yoga to be for me. 

Will I continue it:

Yes.   I consider exercise as a therapy, treatment, preventative tool and a hobby.  I feel like investment in good health is worth my time, money and effort. This being said, since the Peloton app helped me work out 12 extra times this month that I may not have otherwise been able to work out or work out as effectively, I do plan to continue using the app.


Moving on to February.

My February resolution is to hand out compliments and encouraging words more freely.

I find that I often think nice things, admire someone’s shoes, notice their new hair do and appreciate the nice things others have done for me. Yet,  I am very poor at verbalizing my appreciation. I don’t know why but it’s how I’ve always been. I am by nature a very reserved person. I am calculative.  Before I take a step, I think two steps forward and one step back. Essentially, I overthink so before I make a comment to someone, I think I over think it.  I’ve always wished I was more open and in the moment in this regard so this seems as good a time as any. For the month of February, I plan to say at least one kind or encouraging thing to at least one person a day.  


Check back with me in a month to see how well I did on my February Resolution.  I’m sure it will push me outside of my comfort zone, but I believe that is where growth happens.  


Have you started adopting monthly resolutions?  If so, I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment or email me at [email protected]